Meet the Speakers 2023
Keynote Speakers
Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD
The Connection Between COVID, CVD, Cancer and Vitamin C
- Dr. Fleming’s presentation at the 2023 VCICI conference will explain the nine (9) pathways activated by the virus (SARS-CoV-2), the disease (COVID) & the Genetic Vaccines, that result in several ITR diseases including, but not limited to, heart disease, prion diseases and cancer.
Dr. Donato Pérez García, MD
IPT protocols for Lyme, Rheumatoid Arthritis and BPE.
- Adjunctive Therapies to Improve Responses from Vitamin C
Dr. Thomas Lodi, MD, MD(H)
What is Integrative Oncology and why is Vitamin C a Central Component of Integrative Oncology?
- Discover how Integrative Oncology is different from Conventional Oncology.
- How Vitamin C plays a Central Role in integrative approach.
- “Treatment of disease implies that a “disease” needs to be eliminated. There is no “disease” – only the body adapting to unfavorable circumstances…where biological needs are not being met. Once all biological needs are restored and the body cleansed, the adaptation is no longer necessary, so the “disease” is gone and so are all the other adaptations that the body may be doing, like raising blood pressure or becoming insulin resistant, etc… all fades away.”
Lior Sher, JD, Founder and CEO of VCICI Inc. and PUR-C, LLC
Updates in Critical Vitamin C Treatment Protocols - Recent Published Literature - Therapeutic Dosing, Duration, & Distribution for Optimal Ascorbate Levels and Improved Clinical Results & Efficacy
- What did we learn from recent years on the critical Vitamin C applications for COVID, Cancer, Trauma, and Pain?
- Why some protocols were more effective than others?
- Are we chasing deficiency or providing therapeutic benefit?
- How can we monitor Ascorbate levels?
- Understanding depletion factors for optimal Ascorbate levels maintenance. What is the “optimal” Dose, Distribution, and Duration of Vitamin C applications and treatments?
- Discover the roles and functions of therapeutic Vitamin C protocols and their ability to repair, regenerate, and restore the immune system for optimal health and wellness.
Dr Zubin Marolia B.H.M.S (Bom), PGR(Switz)
The Wonder of Mistletoe Therapy for Cancer
- 1. Concept of Salutogenesis
- 2. Optimization of Immune System
- 3. Neuroendocrine Effects
Dr Zubin Marolia B.H.M.S (Bom), PGR(Switz)
The Wonder of Mistletoe Therapy for Cancer
- 1. Concept of Salutogenesis
- 2. Optimization of Immune System
- 3. Neuroendocrine Effects
Additional Speakers
Dr Véronique Desaulniers
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, DC, a Cancer survivor and thriver presents from a perspective of both physician and patient on How to Survive and Thrive – bridging the gap between the “Pink” Breast Cancer movement and Evidence-based Natural Medicine. Conquering Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Evidence-based Natural Medicine
Dr. Jason Sonners, DC
HBOT as a Pro-oxidant and Anti-oxidant therapies for chronic illnesses.
- Over the past 20+ years oxidation has been blamed for causing most cellular aging and chronic illness. As a result much of the science and research has focused on antioxidants' role in eliminating cellular oxidation.
- While it is true that OVER oxidation has many cellular consequences, it is also a potent cell signaling molecule required for cellular adaptation, stem cell mobilization, SOD and glutathione up regulation and inflammation control.
- It is important, especially when dealing with chronically ill patients, that we know how to keep these REDOX molecules in balance and know how and when to push each side of the equation. This lecture will discuss some of these key concepts as well as describe the role hyperbaric oxygen plays in the process.
Dr. Kelly Blodgett, DMD
Oral and Systemic Health Connection – Reducing chronic oxidative stress of oral health challenges with Vitamin C.
- The reduction in energy flow in the mouth can lead to a decline in health of the organs along each tooth’s energy meridian.
- It has been demonstrated that Neural-Therapy can provide temporary relief of systemic symptoms when applied adjacent to infected teeth and jawbone
- Discover how the addition of Vitamin C to an established Neural-Therapy technique can enhance energetic benefits.
Dr. Vlad Pastouk, DMD
Role and Practical Application of Ascorbate in bone rejuvenation and Pain Management in Fatty Degenerative Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (FDOJ/Cavitations).
Dr. William Pawluk, MD
The role of magnetic fields (PEMFs) in the management of cancer.
- Be prepared to listen to a cutting-edge discussion exploring the revolutionary field of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMFs) in cancer treatment. Discover the science and clinical results of how PEMFs impact the behavior of cancer and significantly improve cancer care. This presentation will be a thought-provoking exploration into the potential future of cancer treatment.
Florida Healthcare Law Firm
Chase Howard, JD
Informed Consent in Your Practice: How to Obtain it; Where providers fall short; and the Legal implications.
David Hirshfeld, JD
Informed Consent in Your Practice: How to Obtain it; Where providers fall short; and the Legal implications.