Clinical Evidence and Patient Centered
Research, Education, and Practical Application of HDIVC Therapy
High Dose Vitamin C Therapy
Evidence Based & Clinically Effective
HDIVC for Chronic and Acute Conditions
Integration of Conventional Medicine with Science-Based Complementary Modalities
About Us

Vitamin C Institute for Clinical Integration – VCICI

Vitamin C Institute for Clinical Integration (VCICI) is a premier non-profit integrative healthcare organization dedicated to advancing research, education, and practical applications for high-dose Vitamin C (HDIVC, IVC) Antioxidant and Pro-Oxidant therapies.  These natural therapies support the immune system and complement other treatment modalities targeting infectious diseases and chronic conditions.

Fundamentals of Antioxidant and Pro-Oxidant Vitamin C Treatments
2 Part, 4-Hour Online Class

Did You Miss the Live 2023 C-MPOSIUM???

Catch the unforgettable moments that made this event truly remarkable. This conference was an extraordinary fusion of knowledge, inspiration, and innovation, and here’s a sneak peek at what made it so extraordinary. Click here to view the gallery for the conference.

Additionally, you can now acquire the conference recordings and explore and learn at your own pace!

VCICI: Revolutionizing Integrative Medicine

VCICI is dedicated to facilitating and expanding various treatment modalities within the integrative medicine sector with a focus on the original orthomolecular high-dose Vitamin C infusion therapy protocols pioneered by Dr. Frederick Klenner and Dr. Robert Cathcart.  

VCICI offers various educational platforms and training opportunities to Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) physicians, biological dentists and holistic veterinarians designed to improve the care of immunocompromised patients with chronic and acute conditions.

VCICI is committed to shifting the current paradigm from the conventional disease-management, one-size-fits-all approach,  to an individualized, targeted, patient-centered, integrative and evidence-based medicine

Dr. Richard Fleming, PhD, MD, JD is interviewed by Laurie Gagan from on Toxins, Inflammation, ROS, Heart Disease, and Vitamin C:

WHY …Spontaneous Abortions, Sudden Cardiac Deaths, Cancer, Anxiety and Depression??? Dr. Fleming Answers how Vitamin C Improves Clinical Outcomes

  • Pre-Registration is required.
  • Recordings are not available or permitted.
  •  We encourage all your clinical staff to participate in this class.
  • Everyone must be available via video no later than 5:55 PM EST.
  • No one will be admitted to the class after 6:00 PM EST.
  • To participate in this class, or arrange for a private class (for a fee), please contact us

Learning Objectives:

  • Historical Background – From Scurvy to Infectious disease to Cancer Published VC therapies, Bias, Challenges, Safety, Efficacy Deficiency of VC and Inflammation Know your product – the 3-Ps : Potency, Purity, and pH Conditions Treated Efficacy – Oral vs. IV – Antioxidant vs. Pro-oxidant therapies, Forms of Vitamin C, Side Effects, Contraindications, Testing 101 Targeted & Personalized Medicine : Dosing, Frequency, Rate, and Duration of Treatments and Long Term Management, Stacking, Combination and Sequence of Adjunct Therapies, Practicing Safe and Effective Medicine, Practical Applications, Routes of
    Administration – oral, topical, rinses, solutions, nebulization, Essential Applications of Vitamin C in Dentistry – Mitigating Oral Pathogens, Daily Oral Care, Pre/Post-Surgical Protocols, Q&A

ONLINE WEBINAR: Fundamentals of Antioxidant and Pro-Oxidant Vitamin C Therapies

Join us today and discover how you can improve patient satisfaction, reduce side effects, and optimize clinical results.

The C Word Book

In The C Word: Conspiracy, Cover-Up, and Controversy, Lior Sher—renowned founder of the Vitamin C Institute for Clinical Integration (VCICI), medical freedom advocate, biohacker, and global authority on Vitamin C therapy—reveals groundbreaking truths that even seasoned alternative medicine practitioners have overlooked and that conventional medicine has deliberately silenced. With years of experience educating top physicians worldwide, Sher uncovers the hidden science behind this life-changing nutrient.

This comprehensive guide delves into the unparalleled clinical power of Vitamin C, showcasing its role as a master antioxidant, redox regulator, enzyme cofactor, and immune system modulator. Essential to every organ system, Vitamin C influences cellular energy production, detoxification, collagen formation, neuroprotection, and immune strength—making it a cornerstone of true health and healing.

Beyond the research, this book tells the deeply moving story of Dr. Richard C. Davis, MD—a brilliant physician, scientist, and cancer warrior who didn’t just study this science but lived it. His inspiring journey offers profound insights for healthcare professionals and individuals alike, empowering readers to take control of their health and challenge the status quo.

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